To check out library materials, present a valid Allen ID card at the circulation desk. Library staff will scan the ID and barcode on each library material to check them out to the patron in accordance with the policies of individual collections listed below. Library staff will then write or stamp the due date given by the system on each loaned material.

Three Ways to Renew

  1. In person: Bring your ID to the circulation desk and speak to the library staff.
  2. By email at
  3. By phone at (319) 226-2005

Check In Procedure

To return library materials, place them in the drop box located next to the circulation desk (during normal hours) or in the computer lab (when the library is closed). Do not assume materials placed directly on the circulation desk will be checked in. When materials are received, library staff will scan the barcode to check the item in. Any applicable fines and fees will be assessed at this time. Unpaid fines may result in a hold on your student account and the loss of library privileges.

Lost material Replacement Cost

Students must pay the cost of replacement for any lost library materials. Materials not returned within two months of the item's due or recall date will be considered lost, and the patron will be charged accordingly. Lost materials may result in a hold on your student account and the loss of library privileges.

Check Out Policies and Overdue Fines

Patrons must present a valid Allen ID at the time of checkout. Additional policies/procedures may apply.

Collection Loan Duration Overdue Fines
 Stacks 2 weeks with 2 renewals $0.25/day
Reference 3 days with no renewal  $5.00/day
Historical 2 weeks with no renewal $5.00/day
Audio/Visual 1 week with 1 renewal $1.00/day
Kits/Games 1 week with 1 renewal $1.00/day
Print Journals Library Use Only N/A
Course Reserves Library Use Only N/A
Limited Reference Library Use Only N/A